Wednesday, June 30, 2021

A Reintroduction



This old guy.  He was 13 in January '21 and is hanging in there.  We've thought we were going to lose him three times in the last few months, but he always comes back from the brink of death and recovers.  When he's well, he acts like a 2-year old, bouncy and playful and bright-eyed.  We are grateful for every day we get with him.


And this one is a new addition to our brood since I last blogged.  She's two now.  We got her when she was four months old.  What a joy this kitty is.  So completely opposite from the other cat we had for 18 years.  She's social and loving and makes us laugh on a daily basis.  She fit right in from Day 1.  We call her Merr because she says that every time she enters a room or is spoken to.



My little guy, Ollie, is still around.  This is the funniest picture ever.  He's nine.  He's my little shadow, my butt dangler.  He's ALWAYS by my side.  Chihuahuas are like that.  They're one-person dogs and they stick to that person like glue.  I'm his one person and I couldn't love him more.


This is 12-year-old Eli.  He's The Captain's dog.  (The Captain is my husband of 28 years.)  I picked him out and brought him home after losing my first Chihuahua, Little Boy.  But from the moment I brought him home, he was definitely The Captain's dog.  He adores him and only tolerates me.  He's the most stubborn, strong-willed, aggravating dog I've ever had.  He's an ass to everybody except The Captain.  It's okay.  I still love him dearly.


So there you have it.  I'm starting fresh.  Not one reader.  I'm anonymous again.  No expectations, no history, no familiarity, no baggage, no awkwardness, no friends, no enemies, no family, no judging (at least that I know of yet).  I'm looking so forward to being able to come here and do a mind dump onto a page.  That was my favorite thing about having a blog.  Dumping it all out no matter what it is or how inappropriate.

Until next time.


Columbia River Washington